Barney Hall, one of the best NASCAR commentators of all-time, died on 26 January 2016 following complications from surgery. Hall has commentated races for over 50 years. He announced his first Daytona 500 race in 1960 and made his final broadcast in July 2014 at Daytona International Speedway. The famed commentator received the Bill France Award of Excellence in 2007.
Barney Hall was born at Elkin, North Carolina in 1932. Before joining MRN he worked for the US navy for almost four years. Afterwards he returned back to his hometown of Elkin, North Carolina, as a disc jockey for local station WIFM. His association with MRN began as a reporter. Soon he started lending his voice for various racing events. In his long career he commented for Daytona 500 in 1960 and was announcer at Bristol Motor Speedway when it opened one year later. For his expertise he was inducted into the National Motorsports Press Association (NMPA) Hall of Fame. He gave his final broadcast on July 5, 2014 making his fans and colleague emotional. Hall is survived by his partner Karen Carrier.
Karen Carrier
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