A terminally ill single mother Christy O'Donnell, who became a prominent figure in the California right-to-die debate passed away from cancer on 6th February 2016 at home in Valencia. World came to know about the death from the Facebook post of her brother Jay Wattsw who revealed that her death was peaceful with her daughter, Bailey Donorovich, 21, holding her hand.
The former Los Angeles police officer, she later became a civil rights attorney. Herself suffering from Stage 4 lung cancer she extensively campaigned for a right-to-die law in California. Though the law for which she stood was not passed during her lifetime. This law makes it legal for the terminally ill to seek medical aid to end their lives and is expected to go into effect later this year. It will make California the fifth state in the nation to provide such a right to its citizens.
O'Donnell in her final message posted on Facebook gave insight into the painful suffering through which she was going through.
"Yet, I have suffered more emotional and physical pain than anyone should have to endure," she wrote. "My daughter and I fought very hard during the last months of my life to try to bring about positive change in this World. My daughter has unselfishly given up her time with me to all of you, so that no child will ever again have to watch the person they love suffer at their death. I ask you all to continue making your voices heard for those who are suffering."
Though opposed by many the bill is expected to get assent soon. Christy O'Donnell will be missed by her near and dear ones for long. She is survived by her daughter Bailey Donorovich and brother Jay Wattsw.
Children: Bailey Donorovich Relatives: Jay Wattsw Brother)
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farr howell (Friend of Ms. Christy O Donnell)
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